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Tips for a Smarter Energy
1. Save Energy and Money
We all want to save money. And what a better way to save money than saving energy? It’s better for the environment and will really help your bank account. This results in a happier you, happier home and happier planet. We have some great ideas to help you reduce your energy usage which reduces your energy costs.

2. Safety
We are committed to the highest level of safety practices for your home. We want to insure your loved ones and possessions are safe and that you are informed regarding energy emergencies. We will share with you what is most important to keep your home safe and protected.
3. Get Plugged In
Join our Communities to discuss about how to use your energy better. Communities are pages about certain topics, people, or ideas that people join in and share their thoughts. You can interact with other people by joining, inviting, and sharing our energy communities