Conversational bots are getting more pervasive and are gaining a foothold within enterprises as a key digital channel to interact with employees, vendors and customers. AI Agents/Chatbot are becoming increasingly influential by the day, as meaningful Bot initiatives are offering backend integration and can conduct full-fledged transactions as they interact both with processes and systems of records.
However, while this opens a new channel for interaction, it also opens a new challenge for IT as they must ensure security for yet another channel (other than web and mobile) and see to it that Systems and Data are properly secured and governed. However, the pattern of chatbot adoption is similar to the early wave of web and mobile technology wherein each department head or LOB are rolling out their own chatbot initiatives with no central control or governance mechanism for the same.
Each chatbot project puts its own security mechanism in place. This approach is not scalable and prone to security breaches as things spiral out of control with multiple bot initiatives mushrooming across the enterprise. The IT needs a central security and governance platform which will authenticate all users and authorize single-sign-on for the host of back-end systems with which the transactional bots interact. Else there will be “rogue bots” that will get unauthorized access to systems and processes in the backend. Further, the bot interactions must be in sync with the other channels such as web and mobile to give a coherent experience to the end user.
At Streebo Research labs, we have built a robust tool chatbot Builder to rapidly assemble enterprise-grade transactional chatbots, bundled with a central Digital Experience (DXA) platform to govern and secure all conversations across various channels. This platform is to be leveraged by IT and will allow them to manage and control all Bot conversations from a single console.
Key takeaways: –
- Authenticate your Bots against a variety of LDAP systems like IBM Tivoli, Microsoft Active Directory et al. including support for Federated LDAPs
- Provide Central management of user for authentications with 128-bit encryption that supports a variety of identity management systems
- Manage roles and user groups to give role-based access to backend processes and systems
- Allow single-sign-on to a variety of backends with the usage of a Secured Credential vault to manage a variety of credentials
- Support sign-on using mobile features like fingerprint identification and facial recognition
- Maintain Logs and Analytics to review all conversations and raise alerts for attempts of unauthorized access
Powered by IBM Digital Experience Manager (DXM) and IBM Watson Assistant, Streebo’s chatbot Builder is deployed at both large and small organizations including Financial Services such as Banks and Insurance providers.
Check out the video to learn more about Streebo’s chatbot Builder.
Want a personal demo for your team or need a trial run? Just drop us a note, and one of our Lab engineers will be glad to help you.