Explore the Transformation: How an American Public Utility Company Revolutionized Customer Service with Microsoft Azure CLU and Enterprise GPT-Powered Cognitive Assistant

Explore the Transformation

Know Our Client

One of America’s largest public power and water utility stands as a pillar of reliability, serving approximately 2 million people across the state. The utility company has been committed to providing low- cost, reliable, and environmentally responsible services. With a workforce comprising thousands of professionals, the utility has actively engaged in fostering innovative partnerships, engaging stakeholders, and contributing to community well-being.
Our Client’s Business Challenge

Our Client’s Business Challenge

Despite its long history of service excellence, the utility faced a significant challenge in its customer service operations.
Prolonged wait times and overwhelming customer inquiries strained the efficiency of its support teams.
Recognizing the need to modernize its approach to customer service, the utility sought to enhance its capabilities, reduce response times, and improve the overall customer experience.

The Solution Proposed and Leveraged

In response to these challenges, Streebo proposed an innovative solution powered by Microsoft Azure CLU and Enterprise GPT (Generative AI) technology. This solution aimed to revolutionize the utility’s customer service framework by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence to handle inquiries and provide timely, accurate responses.
Explore the Transformation
The proposed solution promised to offload repetitive tasks from human agents, allowing them to focus on more complex issues while improving the overall efficiency of the support process. Streebo’s expertise in AI-driven solutions ensured that the proposed solution was tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of the utility, setting the stage for a successful transformation of its customer service operations.

Features & Functionalities

Key features and functionalities of the solution included:
icon Utilization of Azure AI Cognitive Services
Leveraging Azure’s advanced cognitive services, including Azure OpenAI Service, for enhanced capabilities.
icon Seamless Integration with Website FAQs
The AI-powered bot seamlessly handles frequently asked questions (FAQs) sourced from the utility’s website, providing instant responses to customer inquiries and reducing the workload on human agents.
icon Live Agent Hand-off
The bot facilitates smooth transitions to the utility’s third-party live agent system, Cisco Webex, enabling customers to connect with human agents for more complex queries or personalized assistance.
icon Multilingual Support
Recognizing the diverse needs of its customer base, the bot offers multilingual support, capable of handling queries in both English and Spanish. This feature has been particularly well-received, as it allows Spanish-speaking customers to communicate effectively with the utility.
icon AI Cognitive Assistant Functionality
Generating and processing responses in real-time, mimicking human-like interactions for a more personalized experience.
icon Customizable Client Theme
The solution allowed for interface customization to align with the utility’s brand identity and marketing guidelines.
icon Advanced Bot Training
The solution underwent comprehensive training to accurately understand and respond to customer queries in natural language.
icon Language Translation
To ensure seamless communication between customers and agents, the bot automatically translates Spanish queries into English before forwarding them to the utility’s English-speaking agents. This functionality has significantly improved the utility’s ability to serve its Spanish-speaking customers, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.
icon Scalable Architecture
Built on Microsoft Azure’s cloud infrastructure, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security for future growth.
icon Data Privacy and Security
Built on Microsoft Azure’s secure foundation, the solution prioritized data privacy and security, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Business Benefits Experienced by Our Client

The implementation of Microsoft AI-powered Smart solution has yielded significant business benefits for the utility, including:
  • Reduced Workload on Human Agents
    By automating the handling of FAQs and seamlessly transferring queries to live agents, the utility has experienced a substantial reduction in the workload on its human agents. This has allowed agents to focus their time and expertise on addressing more complex inquiries, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Customer Satisfaction Increase
    Customer satisfaction levels have risen by 25% due to the bot’s ability to handle queries in English and Spanish, along with the seamless live agent hand-off feature.
  • Efficiency Gains
    Operational efficiency has improved by 20% with faster response times and optimized resource allocation within the customer service team.

Use Cases and Services Covered

  • Customer Inquiry Handling
  • FAQs Automation
  • Live Agent Hand-off
  • Complaint Resolution
  • Information Provision
  • Feedback Collection and Analysis

What’s Next?

Explore the Transformation
  • Moving forward, customization, optimization, and continuous monitoring will remain ongoing priorities to ensure the solution evolves to meet the utility’s changing needs and challenges. In Phase 2, our focus will be on expanding the scope of the AI-powered solution by integrating more complex transactional use cases. Continuously monitoring the solution’s performance and gathering feedback from customers and agents will be crucial to identify areas for refinement and enhancement.
  • In conclusion, by embracing AI technology, our client has embarked on a transformative journey to enhance its customer service operations. With a focus on efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction, the utility is well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of its customers and communities for years to come.

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