Develop cross-platform
solutions 2x faster with
drag and drop form builder
Need for Cross-Platform App Development
Businesses keep on trying to take their app development process to the next level. A few years back, app or web development using a single code base was considered too risky and enterprises believed in using creating separate solutions for separate platforms. The consensus was that cross-platform application development posed design challenges across user interfaces, were less reliable and difficult to manage.However, native app development posed a major challenge with regards to app updates and release cycle times. One of the key concerns faced by IT managers and Line of Business is to make changes in Android, iOS and websites all at once with minimal involvement from the IT team. One of the latest developments has been the emergence of app automation platforms for running cross-platforms apps on any platform.

Benefits of Cross-platform App Development

Cost Effective

Single Code Base

Faster App Debugging

UI Uniformity

Quicker Release Cycles