Streebo’s Social Experience Suite (SES) | Streebo Inc

Why Employee Engagement Matters

Employee engagement is the key responsibility of the HR organization and they have a lot of programs in place, however they aren’t seeing improvements fast enough. Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report states that only 13% employees are engaged at work. A new generation of employees raised on mobile technology are now entering the workforce and having a mobile intranet app is critical to engage and enable your employees. (Read More)

Streebo’s Social Experience Suite(SES)

Streebo’s Social Experience Suite is a part of Streebo Digital Experience Acclerator (DXA) which enables HR and senior executives to engage with employees better and collaborate like never before, thus increasing employee productivity. It enables your HR team to automate workforce management and respond faster to employee requests thus creating a higher impact and making better capital management decisions. Our HR Suite helps you communicate and collaborate with your workforces better thus elevating your role to that of a counselor. If you are looking for a new intranet or embed collaboration features in your existing Intranet, Streebo’s Social Experience Suite is the way to go for increasing employee engagement.



IBM® Connections and Social Open

Blogs, Profiles, Wikis, Chat & more


Cloud Storage for all Enterprise Content

Watson Content Hub

Intelligent Content Management System

Streebo Digital Experience Accelerator

Drag & Drop tool for creating your enterprise forms
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Customer Stories


Leading food retail
chain company

Delivered an Employee Engagement App to help increase the collaboration among employees and bring operational efficiency by mobilizing enterprise content and processes.


Leading luxury

Delivered an employee training and knowledge management Solution which helped them organize their digital assets, manage content and provided a role based access.

Mobile Intranet Apps can Drive Employee Productivity
Learn More

We offer

Mobile Forms for Banking

Comprehensive Security to safeguard sensitive employee data

Mobile Forms for Banking

Form Creation Tool for easily building workflow enabled apps that can be managed without IT

Mobile Forms for Banking

In-App Analytics to monitor employee turnover and increase efficiency of recruitment process

Mobile Forms for Banking

Offline Support for field personnel to apply for leave or claim even in low network areas

Mobile Forms for Banking

Incremental Revenue through faster HR processes

Mobile Forms for Banking

Integration with Existing Backend to ensure no data corruption or leakage issues

Mobile Forms for Banking

Enhance Collaboration by improving communication thus helping you plan better

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